
Santa Paula, California---Princeton has just released the results of its 2007 student opinion survey and Thomas Aquinas College was designated one of the "Best of the West" liberal arts colleges.

Relying to a great extent on student input and assessment of their own colleges and universities, the Princeton divided the country into four distinct regions where 644 colleges, including Thomas Aquinas College, stood out as academically excellent institutions of higher education. Thomas Aquinas College was surveyed in a region that included fifteen Western states.

Students who participated in the survey were guaranteed anonymity and encouraged to give honest and sincere evaluations of their schools. A Thomas Aquinas College senior endorsed the College by stating, "This is a Catholic college and it's proud of its Catholic identity." Another student, who walked away from more than three years of mechanical engineering training at another university after reading Thomas Aquinas College's founding document, gave this testimonial. "The typical student at Thomas Aquinas College has a zeal for seeking the truth."

The Princeton has given a "student's-eye" view of the academic and spiritual life of Thomas Aquinas College and should prove helpful to students and parents alike who are considering a college where faith and reason are templates to the truth.

Thomas Aquinas College is a four-year Catholic liberal arts college exclusively devoted to the study of the Great Books, using only the Discussion Method of dialogue in all of its classes. There are no text books, no lectures and no electives. Instead, the College offers an entirely integrated curriculum using the original texts of the great thinkers who shaped Western Civilization. These authors include St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, Aristotle, Plato, Shakespeare, Euclid, Dante, Galileo, Descartes, our American Founding Fathers, Adam Smith, Copernicus, Kepler, and Newton to name a few.

Thomas Aquinas College graduates consistently excel in the many world-class institutions where they pursue graduate degrees in such disciplines as law, medicine, business, theology and education. Graduates have distinguished themselves in these fields serving as headmasters, business owners, lawyers, priests, doctors, military service men and women, educators and college presidents.