Welcome, Pilgrims!

 “For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you.” 
— Leviticus 25:12 


Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel icon
Our Mother of Perpetual Help

His Holiness Pope Francis has declared 2025 a Jubilee Year, from December 29, 2024, to December 28, 2025, inviting pilgrims to participate in the ancient tradition of receiving a Plenary Indulgence by passing through the Holy Doors of the Major Basilicas of Rome. A Plenary Indulgence is the entire remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven. By the authority of the Most Rev. William D. Byrne, Bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts, pilgrims can now receive this same Plenary Indulgence if they undertake a pious pilgrimage to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel at Thomas Aquinas College, New England, in Northfield, Massachusetts, and practice any of the following:

  • Devout participation in Holy Mass
  • A celebration of the Word of God
  • Praying the Liturgy of the Hours
  • Praying the Via Crucis
  • Praying the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Recitation of the Akathist hymn
  • Devoutly visiting the Chapel for a suitable period of time, including Eucharistic Adoration
  • Note: Per the Holy Father’s instructions, local pilgrimage sites do not have designated holy doors.

The usual conditions for any baptized person receiving the Indulgence apply:

  • Sacramental confession (within several days)
  • Reception of Holy Communion
  • Praying for the intentions of the Holy Father: The Lord’s Prayer, Profession of Faith (Creed), Hail Mary  
  • Detachment from all sin

May this Jubilee Year be a time of hope for all, and may everyone “come to know Mary, the most affectionate of mothers, who never abandons her children” (Spes non confundit, 24).


Chapel Mass Schedule

Pilgrims are welcome to attend any of the regularly scheduled Masses in Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel. “OF” indicates Masses offered in the ordinary form (Latin and English); “EF” indicates Masses offered in the extraordinary form (Traditional Latin Mass). Confessions are available for 15 minutes before and after each Mass.


Jubilee Mass & Devotions: February 22

AdorationAs part of its celebration of the 2025 Jubilee Year, Thomas Aquinas College, New England, will host a special Jubilee Mass and accompanying devotions on Saturday, February 22 in Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel — open to all pilgrims in and around the Diocese of Springfield.

“We are delighted that Bishop Byrne has designated the Chapel as a Jubilee Pilgrimage Site, and we look forward to welcoming pilgrims throughout the Jubilee Year,” says Head Chaplain Rev. Greg Markey. “However, we also wanted to offer a special occasion for pilgrims to celebrate the Jubilee with our community.” 

The Jubilee Mass and Devotions afford pilgrims an opportunity to venerate Our Eucharistic Lord, receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and fulfill the requirements to receive a Plenary Indulgence at an officially declared pilgrimage site.

The devotions will begin with Eucharistic Adoration, starting at 1:15 p.m., followed by Mass at 2:00 p.m., with the Sacrament of Confession available during that entire time. After the Mass has concluded, Fr. Markey will lead the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. A light reception will follow in Olivia Music Hall, where pilgrims can mingle with one another and meet some of the College’s students, faculty, and staff members.

“We pray that this Mass will be spiritually beneficial to all who attend,” says Dr. Steven Cain, dean of Thomas Aquinas College, New England. “In this Jubilee Year, we want to give pilgrims a reason to hope.” 


Directions & Campus Map

The College is located at 231 Main Street in Northfield, Massachusetts | Directions.

Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel is site #12, and Olivia Music Hall #22, on the campus map:  

Map of the New England campus
Thomas Aquinas College    
1 Pope St. John Paul II Athletic Center 13 Sanda Countway Hall
2 Gould Hall 14 Campus Nursery School
3 St. Augustine Hall 15 Power Plant
5 Weston Hall 16 Billings Hall
6 St. Gianna Molla Hall 17 Bl. Frassati Student Center
7 Wilson Hall 18 Dolben Library
8 East Hall 19 Wilson House
9 Bolger Art Center 20 Marquand Hall
10 St. Thomas More Hall 21 Sally Inman Shelter
11 Stone Hall 22 Olivia Music Hall
12 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel 25 St. Joseph Hall
 Moody Center                      
4 Hillside Cottage 23 Auditorium
26 Round Top 24 Moody Cottage
27 The Moody Homestead 28 The Moody Birthplace


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