New England

United in spirit with their TAC counterparts in Washington, D.C., and San Francisco, students, faculty, and staff from the New England campus traveled some 50 miles on Monday for the Mass and March for Life in Springfield, Massachusetts, hosted by the Most Rev. William Byrne.

The group began at the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel, where His Excellency offered Holy Mass. “Oh Lord, I praise you, for I am wonderfully made,” the Bishop said in his homily, reflecting on Psalm 139. “Every single person on the planet is wonderfully made, but not made to be exploited by other human beings. We must recognize the dignity of all persons, from those in the womb, to the old and infirm, because we are all wonderfully made.”

Afterward, the group gathered in front of the Cathedral with other marchers: Catholic diocesan schoolchildren, homeschooling families, and local parishioners, all of whom welcomed TAC’s presence. When the March began, the College’s students paraded under their banner, smiling and waving at passersby, spreading charity and kindness to those around them. The marchers then made their way to the steps of Springfield City Hall, where they sang the “Salve Regina” and thanked the event’s organizers. As TAC students trekked back around the block to the cathedral, they sang Marian hymns and prayed the Rosary, continuing to promulgate the message of love.

The day concluded in the Cathedral’s event hall with a pizza lunch before the TAC contingent returned to campus. Though tired and cold from walking in below-freezing temperature, the marchers were in good spirits, full of joy from helping to spread awareness of the value of all human life.