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College Announces St. Vincent de Paul Lecture & Concert Series for 2024-25
All College
August 30, 2024
St. Vincent de Paul
On Friday nights throughout the 2024-25 academic year, the students of Thomas Aquinas College will have the privilege of attending lectures from some of the nation’s most distinguished scholars — covering a wide range of topics — through the St. Vincent de Paul Lecture and Concert Series.
The Series, endowed by Barbara and Paul Henkels, complements the College’s classroom Discussion Method and academic program. It also provides for several concerts of classical, operatic, or sacred music, as well as the twice-annual All-College Seminars, in which tutors and students of all classes gather in small groups of 20 to discuss a reading that is not part of the regular curriculum.
“The process for choosing lecturers begins with suggestions from the faculty,” explains Dr. Daniel Gutschke, who heads the lecture committee for the New England campus. “My colleagues have been helpful in putting forward some very excellent speakers for this year.”
The lecture committee takes all the suggestions put forward and creates a list of potential speakers. “In California, we meet in the late spring as a committee to decide whom we would like to invite for the upcoming Lecture and Concert Series,” says Dr. Drew Rosato, head of the lecture committee in Santa Paula. “Usually, by the end of one meeting, we have agreed upon a list of people to invite along with some alternate names in case one or more of the originally chosen lecturers cannot accept the invitation.”
Reasons for choosing certain lecturers vary. Some are experts in the sciences and help to explore the relationship between natural science and theology, such as Dr. Stephen Barr, an acclaimed theoretical physicist whose writings have appeared in First Things, the Wall Street Journal, National Review, and many other publications. “Dr. Barr, who has done groundbreaking work in contemporary theoretical physics, is well positioned to discuss what contemporary physics contributes to our understanding of the natural world and how it harmonizes with the teachings of the Church,” says Dr. Gutschke.
Others come to the College to deliver lectures born from years of study, as Dr. Zena Hitz will do in the spring. A tutor at St. John’s College and founder of the Catherine Project, a seminar introduction to the Great Books, Dr. Hitz will speak on what motivates the intellectual life and how to practice it. “We thought it would be nice to have someone reflect on the contours of the intellectual life and how to live it out,” Dr. Rosato says. “Dr. Hitz is excellent at laying out how an intellectual life may be pursued in many different walks of life, not just the educational setting.”
Still others tackle the foundational disciplines studied at Thomas Aquinas College: theology and her handmaid, philosophy. One of many notable speakers addressing these topics this year is Rev. Cajetan Cuddy, O.P., assistant professor of dogmatic and moral theology at the Dominican House of Studies, who has written extensively on the works of the Angelic Doctor. “We were seeking a scholar with a deep knowledge of St. Thomas’s philosophy and theology, and Fr. Cuddy was an obvious choice,” says Dr. Gutschke. “We are especially delighted to be hosting a member of the Order of Preachers, which has done outstanding work in making St. Thomas’s thought known both in the academic world and the culture at large.”
This year, the lecture series sees an alumnus return to the College to lecture after years of continued education and contemplation. Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’84), who often comes to California as the High School Summer Program chaplain, will present the campus’s St. Thomas Day Lecture. “It’s always great to have the Norbertines visit the College,” says Dr. Rosato. “Fr. Walshe, in particular, has been involved in the life of the California campus, so we are very excited to hear his first lecture in the spring.”
Below is the schedule for the upcoming year. All concerts and events are open to alumni and friends of the College:
New England
August 30, 2024
Opening Lecture: The Methods of Literary Analysis
Dr. Travis Cooper
Assistant Dean, Tutor
Thomas Aquinas College, California
August 30, 2024
Opening Lecture: “On the Freedom of a Theologian”
Dr. Paul Shields
Thomas Aquinas College, New England
September 13, 2024
Lecture: On Justice and Mercy
Rev. Daniel Moloney
Assistant Chaplain
St. Thomas More Newman Center, Ohio State University
September 20, 2024
Lecture: On the Aeneid
Dr. Andrew Dinan
Associate Professor of Classics
Ave Maria University
September 27, 2024
Opening Concert
Paul Galbraith
Classical Guitarist
October 18, 2024
Lecture: “Why Does God Hide? Pascalean Reflections”
Rev. Ronald Tacelli, S.J.
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Boston College
October 18, 2024
Lecture: On Mathematics
Dr. Alexander Pruss
Professor of Philosophy and Director of Graduate Studies
Baylor University
November 8, 2024
Lecture: On the Philosophy and Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas
Rev. Cajetan Cuddy, O.P.
Assistant Professor of Dogmatic and Moral Theology
Dominican House of Studies
November 8, 2024
Lecture: The Relation Between Infused and Acquired Virtue
Dr. Angela Knobel
Graduate Director and Associate Professor, Philosophy
University of Dallas
January 17, 2025
Spring Concert
Peter Blanchette
Classical Guitarist
November 22, 2024
Fall Concert
The Thomas Aquinas College Choir
January 28, 2025
St. Thomas Day Lecture: On St. Thomas’s Theology
Rev. Romanus Cessario, O.P.
Adam Cardinal Maida Professor of Theology
Ave Maria University
January 17, 2025
Lecture: On the Works of Homer
Dr. Stephen Shivone
Assistant Dean, Tutor
Thomas Aquinas College, New England
February 21, 2025
Presidents’ Day Lecture: Principles of Statesmanship
Dr. Daniel Mahoney
Professor of Political Science
Assumption University
January 28, 2025
St. Thomas Day Lecture: On the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas
Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’84)
Professor of Philosophy
St. Michael’s Abbey
March 28, 2025
Lecture: On the Relationship Between Faith and Science
Dr. Stephen Barr
Professor Emeritus
University of Delaware
February 21, 2025
Presidents’ Day Lecture: On the U.S. Constitution
Paul Clement
Founding Partner, Clement & Murphy; 43rd U.S. Solicitor General
Distinguished Lecturer, Georgetown University Law Center
March 14, 2025
Lecture: What Motivates the Intellectual Life and How it May Be Pursued
Dr. Zena Hitz
St. John’s College, Annapolis
April 17, 2025
Spring Concert
The Thomas Aquinas College Choir