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2021 Annual Report (PDF)
2021 Annual Report (PDF)

Dear Friends of Thomas Aquinas College,

In August 2020, as Thomas Aquinas College began its 50th year in operation, the College community was filled with gratitude. We had first opened our doors to students in the midst of a great cultural upheaval, and 50 years later we found ourselves opening them in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Both then and now, God provided His loving protection to our community — existing on two campuses today — and by His grace, the College has thrived. We thank and praise God for His providential care!

Our students and faculty are also to be thanked for the many sacrifices they made to ensure that we could hold in-person classes for the whole of the 2020-2021 academic year. From wearing masks and going to class outdoors to staying close to campus and forgoing visits home at Thanksgiving, they cooperated beautifully and with good cheer.

Our benefactors, too, have been steadfast in their charitable giving during the 2021 fiscal year, making it possible for so many of our students to benefit from the life-changing program of genuine Catholic liberal education that we offer. May God reward these generous souls!

Because of the pandemic, the year was less eventful than most, but it closed with joyful celebrations for two classes of graduates — the Class of 2021 and their immediate predecessors who had been prevented by the pandemic from taking part in our customary commencement exercises.

In addition, four more of our alumni were ordained to the priesthood: one for the Diocese of Monterey, one for the Archdiocese of St. Louis, one for the Western Province of the Dominican Order, and one — our first — for our home diocese, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. They join the ranks of our alumni priests, now totaling 78. May the Lord bless them all and keep them ever-faithful to Himself and to the Church.

In our Annual Report you will find highlighted some of the achievements of the College and its alumni in Fiscal Year 2021. Our financial statements will give you a more thorough account of our financial position, detailing our balanced budget, adequate cash flow, and successful fundraising efforts. Our prosperity has been made possible by your generosity, which in turn has helped make possible the good works of our alumni. May God, Who cannot be outdone in generosity, bless you abundantly. Thank you for all you do for Thomas Aquinas College and our students.


Michael F. McLean

Michael F. McLean