
On Monday, Thomas Aquinas College, California, held its 54th annual Convocation, welcoming members of the Class of 2028. The formal start of the academic was marked by the usual the joy and excitement, as well as sorrow, as students mourned the loss of their would-be classmate John Kozak, who passed away only two days earlier.


“Use Your Talents to Create a Masterpiece for God”


by the Most Rev. Timothy P. Broglio, J.C.D.
Archbishop for the Military Services, U.S.A.
President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Mass of the Holy Spirit
Convocation 2024
Thomas Aquinas College, California



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President Paul J. O’Reilly

“All’s Well that Begins Well” 


Dr. Paul J. O’Reilly
President, Thomas Aquinas College
California Convocation 2024



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“Truth Exists, and We Are Challenged to Pursue Truth”


by the Most Rev. Timothy P. Broglio, J.C.D.
Archbishop for the Military Services, U.S.A.
President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Mass of the Holy Spirit
Convocation 2024
Thomas Aquinas College, California


Members of the Class of 2028


On Friday, the final day of Orientation 2024 on the California campus, members of the Class of 2028 spent their time together learning and having fun. 


Following their arrival and welcome on Wednesday, members of the Thomas Aquinas College, California, Class of 2028 had had their first full day of Orientation on Thursday.


On Wednesday, the newest students of Thomas Aquinas College — the Class of 2028 — arrived on the California campus. Admissions staff, prefects, and faculty warmly welcomed members of the Freshman Class to the College, where they will begin a new chapter of their lives. “We’re all just so excited to meet everyone!” said Admissions Counselor Anna Van Wijk (’24).


Now in its 125th year of existence, the Newman Club of Los Angeles continued its uninterrupted streak of 1,503 consecutive monthly meetings on Saturday with a get-together on the California campus of Thomas Aquinas College. Some 30 members and their spouses arrived in the morning for a campus tour followed by a reception and dinner the Dumb Ox Café.