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Fr. Moses' Ordination
The Most Rev. Kevin Vann, Bishop of Orange, California, ordains Rev. Moses (Luke ’14) Blain, O. Praem., on June 29.


“After inquiry among the Christian people and upon recommendation of those concerned with their formation, I testify that they have been found worthy.” Thus spoke the sponsor of Frater Moses Pavel (Luke ’14) Blain, O.Praem., moments before the Church welcomed a new priest into her ranks on June 29.

Upon graduating from TAC in 2014, Luke Blain began the novitiate process at St. Michael’s Abbey in Silverado, California. Last year, he took his final vows, entering the Norbertine Order as Frater Moses, and soon after was ordained a transitional deacon. Now, after eight years of study, prayer, and perseverance, Frater Moses has taken the cumulative step in answering God’s call, entering His service more fully as a member of the Holy Priesthood.

At the ordination, the Most Rev. Kevin Vann, Bishop of Orange, California, asked Frater Moses and his brother ordinand to reflect on the saints honored in the month of June, including Sts. Peter and Paul, on whose feast day the ordination occurred.

“’To whoever I send you, you shall go, whoever I command you, you shall speak. You will have no fear before them, because I am here to deliver you, says the Lord,’” remarked His Excellency, reminding the ordinands of the words of the Litany of Sts. Peter and Paul. “In your lives and ministries as you go forth from here, have no fear and know that to whoever you are sent to, you will go, and to always be courageous.”

A few minutes later, as the Bishop laid his hands upon him, Frater Moses became Father Moses, a humble minister of God’s sacraments. “As a priest, it’s a kind of profound and overwhelming gift that I can participate in the mediation of hope and grace to the faithful Christian,” Fr. Moses later observed. “That really is the kind of gift that Christ has given to the Church in the priesthood, to strengthen us in the battle that we all fight daily.”

Please pray for this new priest as he begins his service to Christ and His church.

Congratulations Fr. Moses!