
One week after their New England counterparts, the students of Thomas Aquinas College, California, celebrated the Feast of St. Patrick last Saturday night.

Beneath the stars, St. Gladys Patio brimmed with an array of lights and streamers, and students crowded around tables loaded with snacks and board games. Playing from a small stage, a band filled the air with Irish music, while students danced and cheered for their performing classmates. “I think we were all singing along at one point,” said James Blewett (’24 ). “The Irish culture really came alive.”

Throughout evening night, juniors Brigit McNeil, Suzanna Montanaro, and Allanna Donnelly led line dances, demonstrated traditional Irish dances, and introduced performers. “I had never done Irish line dancing before,” said Ian Cummings (’22). “But they explained it really well, and it was an awesome way for the community to come together.”

As the night drew to a close, Brigit took to the stage one last time to share a traditional Irish blessing: “May the road rise up to meet you and the winds be at your back,” she said. “Thank you all for coming and have a great night!” Yet even with the formal event at an end, the festivities continued, as students gathered around a fire pit to sing traditional Irish folk songs.