
On Sunday, the student chorale group Chrysostomos performed for the students and faculty of Thomas Aquinas College, California. The singers set up in the St. Bernardine of Siena Library in front of the main desk, making excellent use of the room’s acoustics. Directed by Anthony Santine (’25), the group featured music spanning five centuries, six countries, and four languages.

The songs drew the audience in with careful phrasing, a delicately timed rise and fall, and a well-practiced group cohesion. “I really love the kind of beauty that we can achieve in a group when we perform together,” said Susanna Sedler (’24). “We’ve grown a lot as a group this year, and it was a satisfying end to four years with the choir. I’m especially grateful to Anthony for all he does.”

The hard work paid off. The concert came to an end with an American Spiritual, much to the audience’s appreciation. “I love watching the student groups perform,” said Carmen Bishop (’27). If their smiles were any indication, the rest of the audience felt much the same.