New England
Admissions greets a new student at Registration

Beginning on Friday morning, freshmen from the Class of 2026 arrived on the beautiful New England campus accompanied by their parents and siblings. The Admissions team and prefects met each family in Bl. Frassati Student Center and assisted them with check-in and registration. They cheerfully guided the new students up to the dorms to settle into their rooms, girls in Gould Hall and boys in St. Augustine and Wilson Halls.

Families were given tours around campus, listening to the story of how TAC acquired the campus and marveling at the classic New England architecture and scenery. The last stop was Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel, where tour guides described recent renovations and laid out the many opportunities for students to grow in their faith and devotion to Our Lord, including multiple daily Masses in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary forms, frequent Confession, spiritual direction, and weekly Adoration. At 4:30 p.m., Rev. Greg Markey offered a Traveler’s Mass for all the students and their families, thanking God for safely delivering those who had already arrived and praying for those still en route.

After Mass, everyone went to Gould Lawn for an outdoor dinner of tender lemon rosemary salmon, served with wild rice and asparagus. Families mingled with tutors and upperclassmen, learning more about what to expect in the coming months. Later, the freshmen and their siblings attended an ice cream social in Bl. Frassati Student Center, getting a chance to meet their classmates and form friendships over TAC’s homemade ice cream. Meanwhile, parents went to Dolben Auditorium for their own orientation and a formal welcome to the TAC family.

Tomorrow, the freshmen will matriculate, and Monday will be dedicated to orientation: The new students will partake in two introductory seminars with their sections, receive their work-study assignments, meet the prefects, and have fun as a class.

Welcome to New England, Class of 2026!