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In a tremendous display of love for their alma mater, the alumni of Thomas Aquinas College came out in force for the 2022 Alumni Day of Giving, shattering the previous giving record for the annual event.

“March 7 is an important day for the College for many reasons,” says Dr. Paul J. O’Reilly, vice president for advancement and president-elect. “It is, first and foremost, the feast day of our patron. It is also a solemnity on both campuses, commemorating the dedication of our two chapels. And as the Alumni Day of Giving, it is the date on which our graduates amaze us every year with their devotion and generosity to this school named for the Angelic Doctor.”

This year’s Day of Giving began with a $75,000 matching gift from College Governor Martha Reichert and her husband, Tim, the parents of one TAC alumna and a junior on the California campus. “The Reicherts had hoped that, by making a matching gift, they would inspire alumni giving, and they sure did,” says Dr. O’Reilly. “By late Monday afternoon, with the whole evening still ahead of us, alumni surpassed that goal and last year’s giving total. Fortunately, an anonymous alumni couple offered a $10,000 challenge match of their own, so we were able to continue matching gifts for several hours more.”

Yet the alumni soon eclipsed that goal as well. By day’s end, including the $85,000 in matching gifts, they had given $191,383.21 — besting last year’s record-setting total by more than $50,000. “It’s astonishing,” says Dr. O’Reilly. “We would have been thrilled if we had merely fulfilled the Reicherts’ initial challenge gift. But our alumni, for the fifth straight year, went above and beyond.”

Per custom, there was some friendly competition involved in this year’s Alumni Day of Giving, with graduating classes vying to achieve the highest rate of giving. In addition to bragging rights, the winning class will be displayed in the rotunda of St. Thomas Hall on the California campus throughout the next year. Over the course of the day, the Class of 1981 held the lead, but toward the evening, the Class of 2014 grabbed — and never relinquished — the coveted first-place spot.


Day of Giving Class Rankings
Click image to enlarge

Much of the credit for the Class of 2014’s triumph belongs, no doubt, to Jack Schuth (’14), one of the day’s top influencers, who inspired some 20 fellow alumni — including many of his 2014 classmates — to make gifts. Wendy-Irene (Grimm ’99) and Nick Zepeda (’90) likewise inspired 20 alumni gifts, which may explain why Mr. Zepeda’s Class of 1990 had the fourth-highest giving percentage in all.

“There was a great push to give, among all classes from all decades,” says Dr. O’Reilly. “And on the Alumni Day of Giving website, we saw many tributes — to deceased alumni, to beloved chaplains and favorite tutors, to old friends, and to future students still to come. In their words and in their deeds, the alumni of Thomas Aquinas College have expressed not only their gratitude for all that they experienced while at the College, but also their fervent desire to extend that gift to future generations. It is humbling and inspiring to see.”