

“Where do I send my child to college that will not destroy their faith?” asked Ave Maria Radio host Coleen Kelly Mast on last Saturday’s episode of her Mast Appeal radio program. “Where can they get a good education so they’ll know how to think and choose and make a difference to make the world a better place?

Max Tittmann (’22)
Max Tittmann (’22)

To answer these questions, Mrs. Mast interviewed several students from colleges featured in the Newman Guide — among them Max Tittmann, a senior at Thomas Aquinas College, California. (Audio available in the player above.)

Over the course of the 10-minute interview, Max described how the High School Summer Program — and especially his experience of the Discussion Method — convinced him to come to the College. “The conversations you have are just amazing,” he said.  “It’s much more conducive to the learning experience to come to the knowledge on your own through discussion with your peers.”

When asked what TAC does to “support good, wholesome, moral living,” Max spoke about how the intellectual and spiritual life of the College promote personal and moral growth. “When you’re spending all your time in class, and when you do your homework pursuing the truth, it’s hard to do that and not apply that to your life as a whole,” he said. “And because everyone is sort of having that same pursuit, you end up with a community where everybody at the school is so dedicated to the good — to growing spiritually, mentally, intellectually — and growing in character that it’s almost impossible to not become a better person.”

“Oh my goodness, that sounds fabulous!” Mrs. Mast replied. “The people I know that have graduated there are admirable, fabulous people.”