
In a convivial spirit, the men of St. Katharine Hall invited the women of St. Bernard Hall to the lobby of St. Cecilia Hall for a joint trivia night last Saturday. Men and women from both residence halls formed teams to answer questions selected by Dillon Tuliau (’24) and Dominique Beccar Varela (’24) — the “tyrants,” or senior leaders, of each residence hall.

The categories for the five-round trivia night included the 1983 edition of Trivial Pursuit, the Bible, film, and music, with a special round dedicated to “mad-libs” about the tyrants themselves. Lucas Wozniak (’26) moderated the evening, posing the questions and adjudicating ties. The teams answered the questions in a friendly — but competitive — spirit, eagerly shouting down any concessions to ambiguous answers. Although only one team carried the day, many tables earned more dubious plaudits, such as the “loudest team.”

“We all bonded, and it was a lot of fun for the guys and girls to hang out,” said Stephen Baer (’27), adding with a laugh, “It also made me realize I didn’t hate trivia.” Said Miss Beccar Varela, “It was a very fun night!”