
Last week, as students took their mid-semester break for Don Rags, the California campus hosted an Open Mic Night. The event’s organizers turned St. Joseph Commons into a performing venue with a small stage in the front, complemented by string lights and a red-curtain backdrop, surrounded by couches, chairs, and tables loaded with refreshments.

Performers treated their peers to a wide variety of musical talents, from a student-original backed by acoustic guitar to a sea shanty. The audience, excited and burgeoning with support, was thrilled by each performance. “You could really see how much effort went into each act,” observed Luke Hernandez (’23). “I was really impressed.”

“It is a very friendly environment,” added performer Ben Brown (’25). “Everyone has a good time, even if you mess up.” Another performer, Maria Brittain (’24) echoed these sentiments, “TAC is really centered around community, and it’s really fun to sing for people that you love.”